The Philosophy Behind Home Visiting
Research indicates that children learn best in the context of secure and loving relationships. When interventions are provided at home, children have multiple opportunities to practice functional skills such as walking around furniture at home; requesting food at mealtimes; or sharing toys with friends at childcare. Our teachers and therapists work closely with caregivers to find fun and meaningful activities which capitalize on natural learning opportunities throughout the day. “I believe the work (our therapist) did in our home one-on-one got the ball rolling for increased communication…”

Speech/Language Pathology
Helps with communication skills to include simple sign language; vocabulary development; speech production; and augmentative communication devices. Also assists in feeding skills.
Physical Therapy
Provides exercises, positioning strategies, and equipment to help children improve their gross motor skills.
Special Instruction
Specially designed teaching strategies to assist children in developing across all areas of development (cognition, communication, social, self-care, gross and fine motor skills).
Occupational Therapy
Assists children in developing daily living skills, including feeding, dressing, gross and fine motor development. Also evaluates and treats sensory processing disorders.
Infant Mental Health
Infant Mental Health Specialists are available to provide short-term relationship-based services for caregivers and their infant or toddler who is exhibiting social/emotional challenges.
Vision Services
Consultations with Teachers of the Visually Impaired are available to children who have low vision or blindness.

Community Based Services
Play Groups
Our classroom in Spanaway is available for a variety of play group experiences. Children may also be eligible to join one of our Inclusive Play to Learn classes in collaboration with the Children’s Museum of Tacoma. As times and availability change frequently, please visit our website or call the office for the latest information.
With your provider’s permission, we may provide services in your child’s childcare.
Field Trips
Field trips are offered throughout the year in order to introduce families to our community’s wealth of fun learning activities. We will support you and your child to make this a successful experience. Scholarships for entrance fees are available if needed. Some of our more popular field trips include Point Defiance Zoo, Mel Korum YMCA, The Children’s Museum of Tacoma, and area parks.
Family Parties
A Step Ahead offers occasional parties for a fun change of pace! Look for invitations in the mail for these family events.
Eligible children must be under the age of three and live in Pierce County. A Step Ahead welcomes the enrollment of all eligible children regardless of race, religion, nationality, or ability to pay.
To discover the skills your child is learning and ways to support their growth. Take the free Ages and Stages Questionnaire by clicking here.
To inquire about starting services for your child right away contact us at 253.471.2727.
Many of our services are funded through federal, state, and local dollars, and are provided at no cost. Medical insurance is billed to cover the cost of therapy services and families may be responsible for co-pays, deductibles, and co-insurance. These costs will be reviewed with you prior to starting services. Please contact your insurance company or Family Resources Coordinator for information specific to your child. Each family receives the maximum services their child needs regardless of their ability to pay. For more information on the CARES Fund, please contact us.